Margherita Leoni
“I started painting Brazilian forest plants in 1997 and have never stopped.” For Margherita Leoni it is not simply about plants. They are Forms of Life, in their most complete and highest meaning. Flowers, leaves, roots, branches, seeds and fruits are all real, emotional and sometimes even dramatic expressions of their environments. Take the time to stop and observe. You have to know how to listen and collect their emotions. As Margherita did when she painted the plants and flowers of Brazil in open air, directly immersed in their natural habitat, to grasp their essence and the purest truth.Margherita Leoni recounts her 16 years in Brazil through stunning paintings of the local flora. Today, these paintings receive a new life for the Tecnografica’s Art Collections, transforming themselves into wallpaper designs. The exclusive graphics designed by Margherita Leoni find their maximum exaltation through the Natural finish, Tecnografica’s certified ecological wallpaper, made from 100% cellulose fibre.***Margherita Leoni was born in Bergamo in 1974 and in 1997 she graduated from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. In the same year, she moved to the Reserva Biològica de Quebrangulo in Brazil for 6 months, where she began to transpose the various floral species of Brazilian nature onto her watercolour painted papers. From that moment her work dedicated to spontaneous forests initiated, with particular attention to the main biomes of the Amazon, the humid tropical forest and the Cerrado. In 1999, she married the Brazilian sculptor Luciano Mello Witkowski Pinto and moved to Americana, a municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2000-2001, she studied Botany Morphology and Systematic Botany at the University of San Paolo. Over the years she built solid, friendly relationships and professional collaborations with Brazilian and Italian botanists such as, Harri Lorenzi, a well-known Brazilian botanist specialized in the study and enhancement of wild plants in Brazil.From the year 2000 to 2016 she lived in Brazil, but she often travelled to Italy, keeping a strong bond with her culture of origin. In 2016 she has returned to Italy, living permanently in Bergamo. In the past 20 years, she has exhibited her work in public spaces and international art galleries.Among her countless exhibitions, we recall:2020 – Il respiro verde. SELVATICA Arte e Natura in festival, by Lorenza Salamon, Fabrizio Lava, Palazzo Gromo Losa, Biella, Italy. | 2019 – Laudato sì. Tra bellezza e grido. Works by Margherita Leoni and Luciano Mello Witkowski Pinto, by Angelo Piazzoli and Tarcisio Tironi; Bergamo, Palazzo Storico Credito Bergamasco, Italy | 2019 – Margherita Leoni. Flora Dea della Primavera, by Lorenza Salamon, Salamon Fine Art, Milan, Italy. | 2016 – Pau Brasil. Il mito verde di Margherita Leoni, by Anna Lisa Ghirardi, Osvaldo Negra, Francesco Rigobello, Muse Museo delle Scienze, Trento – Italy. | 2012 – Paradiso Terrestre, Horto Florestal de São Paulo Alberto Löfgren – Brazil. | 2012 – Paradiso Terrestre, I Festival Internacional de Cinema, Campos do Jordão, SP – Brazil. | 2008 – Programa Petrobras Ambiental 2008-2012, Edificio Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. | 2008 – Paradiso Terrestre, by Maria Cristina Rodeschini Galati, GAMeC Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Spazio Parola Immagine, Italy. | 2004 – Messaggi brasiliani, by G.Rinaldi e H.Salamon, Parco botanico del Cantone Ticino, Isole di Brissago, Svizzera, Museo cantonale di storia naturale di Lugano – Switzerland.