Choosing the most suitable wallpaper for your project: a complete and free mini-guide on what you need to know, from style to useful technical features.

What is wallpaper for?
Wallpaper is a furnishing accessory that falls within what is defined as soft furnishing, i.e. textile elements: the coverings of sofas and armchairs, cushions, curtains and, indeed, wallpaper. It is a decorative element for interior walls, both residential and commercial.
Decorative purpose
Wallpaper is chosen to give a new look to the environment in which it is inserted, or to enhance one or more walls, characterizing them with a specific design. It is a solution that is widely used in restyling because, without carrying out invasive works, a completely new atmosphere can be given to any room. In other cases, it is chosen to complete the interior design of an environment, becoming an integral part just like all the other furnishing elements.

Pattern wallpapers
The decorative effect of each wallpaper differs in style, color and printed pattern. Paper designs can be mainly divided into two large families: patterned or with continuous graphics.
Pattern wallpapers, i.e. decorations that are repeated across the entire surface of the design, are normally used to cover multiple adjacent walls and the patterns can be enlarged and shrunk as desired. The final effect is a uniform decoration over the entire covered area.

Wallpapers with continuous graphics
Wallpapers with continuous graphics instead reproduce a design that develops over the entire surface without repeating itself.
The result has a notable scenographic impact and attracts the attention of the observer, making it the protagonist wall.

Obviously, the style and colors of the drawing also affect the final effect. An industrial or geometric style will give an obviously different look compared to a floral or abstract style. The same applies to colour: light colors are more discreet and tend to expand the surrounding space, while bright shades immediately draw the observer’s focus.
Versatility of use: creative and functional solutions
Wallpapers can also be chosen to camouflage imperfections or to create perspective effects that broaden the perception of space. In the first case, the papers are often used to cover walls with doors flush with the wall, hiding the entrance to a room: by also covering the door, the graphics are thus continuous, without the visual interruption given by the bulk of the frame. In the second case, however, the design of the graphics – in particular jungle or architectural motifs – creates plays of depth and light, making the space appear larger than the real one.

Wallpaper can be used not only to cover doors, as just seen, but also wardrobes and other furniture (always checking the suitability of the surface to be covered). Wallpaper therefore presents itself as a creative, practical and quick solution to give a totally new look to the room and furnishings.

We’re at your service
The Tecnografica wallpaper catalog offers a vast choice of styles, colors and finishes, as well as the complete customization service that allows you to find or create the perfect design for the individual project. Our Sales Office is at your complete disposal: contact us now for more information.